Providing a cultural context to the discipline

Video >> Chris Ennew: “Well, I suppose, the issue for me in business is that, if you look at the origins of business education, it’s probably in North America. Going back to the early part of the twentieth century, and an awful lot of thinking about management practice, management education, comes out of North America. …

Globalisation and a university education

Video >> Stephanie Bridges: “It’s not just international students and thinking about the international students but actually, it’s a much wider process and how it relates to the whole student body. And I’m quite struck by how a lot of the literature does relate to international students and what you think of as international education …

Critical thinking: developing students’ independence

Video >> Rebecca Moor: “My sense is that they come to study law here and they’re expecting someone to say Okay, welcome to law school. Here’s the answer, it can be this or it can be that. And what they get instead is someone throwing a huge amount of law at them and essentially saying, …

Graduate qualities: transferable skills and intercultural competence

Video >> David Clarke: “I think the thing that the best university students do in my view and what marks them out, is that they ask themselves the question continuously, What is it I need to know and how can I find it out? rather than I wonder what the teacher is going to tell me …

Giving a broader perspective using culturally varied examples

Video >> Chris Ennew: “When we come to content, clearly, you could talk to a physicist who’s going to say, well, you know, the laws of physics are the same round the globe, by and large and I’m quite comfortable with believing that. When you come to social sciences and humanities, and you know, indeed, …

The lecturer-student relationship

Video >> Swetha Aknoor: “If you look at the Indian culture, technically, our teachers supposed to be as God for us. We have this thing, you know, the father, the mother and the teacher are all God. So yeah, our teachers, we do have to have a lot of respect for them, we can’t take …

Integrating students from across campuses

Video >> Stephanie Bridges: “I’ve done quite a lot of student interviews as part of my research and I find a real variety in students, in their friendships, in their mixing within the course, people who have a whole range of friends from different cultures, from different nationalities, different backgrounds, to students who very much …

Approaches to studying for learning at university

Video >> Stephanie Bridges: “I thought, well, in a minute, you know, we’ve done all this sort of paper planning and people and equipment but what about the students? What’s it gong to be like when they suddenly join the third year? How is it going to go? How are they going to find it …

Course planning: managing modules across campuses

Video >> Chris Barnatt: “If you are a Nottingham academic in the UK and the school which has got the participation of overseas campus is your role is different. There’s no question about that, it’s a role which involves you working with colleagues in other campuses, teaching material and developing material with them and that’s …

Sharing resources on modules taught across campuses

Video >> Chris Barnatt: “Initially we were coming at things from a very different perspective because the people teaching the module on the other campuses are native from Malaysia or China themselves and therefore they’ve come from a different education system and although they’ve got the same materials and even if you’ve got exactly the …