September 10, 2014, by Teaching at Nottingham
Evaluate update: September 2014
Prof. Alan Ford: “I am pleased to be able to confirm that Evaluate is now live and available for use. Evaluate replaces paper-based SET and SEM surveys, which will no longer be processed or supported. Here you will find further information on training and familiarisation sessions, testing in UNNC and UNMC and more general information on Evaluate.
1. Evaluate user training, 8-19 September 2014
To supplement the Evaluate user training for UK academic and administrative staff in July, further training is scheduled from 8-19 September. There are separate academic and APM sessions as detailed below. Please ensure that the relevant staff from your school are aware they should book to attend one of these sessions if they are involved in SET and/or SEM.
a. Training for UK Teaching Staff (c1–1.5 hours)
Training sessions, led by Professional Development colleagues, are open to all teaching staff involved in the SET/SEM process or who would like to know more about Evaluate. Each session will cover the background, process and policies relating to Evaluate and give participants the opportunity to try out the system. Participants should bring their own internet enabled device (laptop, tablet or smart phone) so that they can complete a survey during their session.
Training sessions have been arranged in a variety of UK locations on a range of dates and times to provide a number of opportunities for staff to attend. To book places on the teaching staff training please visit http://training.nottingham.ac.uk/cbs-notts/Guests/GuestCourse.aspx?CourseRef=Evaluate.
b. Training for UK Administrative Staff (c 0.5-1 hour)
Training sessions are also available for administrative staff and anyone else who is interested, on using Evaluate, setting up surveys and managing data. These sessions will follow directly after the training for teaching staff. Participants will have the opportunity to:
• use Evaluate to create SET and/or SEM surveys
• understand the data required to be able to create a survey
• understand the difference between surveys created using module information from the student records system (Saturn) and creating a survey without module information from Saturn
• edit a survey
• consider how the SET/SEM process will be communicated to their academic staff.
To book a place on the administrative staff training please visit http://training.nottingham.ac.uk/cbs-notts/Guests/GuestCourse.aspx?CourseRef=evaladmin
c. Testing and Training for UNNC and UNMC
Rollout of Evaluate in China and Malaysia is also planned for autumn 2014. Work is ongoing with colleagues in UNNC and UNMC to complete local testing and training during September prior to a decision regarding rollout.
Senior managers from Schools and Faculties have been invited to attend a one hour session on either 12 or 17 September to view a demonstration of Evaluate, understand the requirements of the system and to further discuss and consider how Evaluate will be used and managed within their school. The sessions will be led by David Burns and Rich Cowley, if you have any queries or would like further information please contact evaluate@nottingham.ac.uk.
If you have any queries or would like further information please contact evaluate@nottingham.ac.uk
2. About Evaluate
a. What does Evaluate include?
SET Survey – this will consist of five fixed SET statements. The statements are predetermined and for 2014/15 will remain the same as those previously used in the paper based SET surveys, with the removal of the first two statements (1. ‘Is this module compulsory for you?’ and 2. ‘I have attended at least 80% of the sessions timetabled for me with this teacher’.). The responses will continue to be rated from 1 (Strongly Agree) to 5 (Strongly Disagree).
You can view the statements in section 1.6 here http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/professionaldevelopment/learningandteaching/evaluate/guidelines.aspx
SEM Survey – this will consist of seven fixed SEM statements. These are also predetermined for 2014/15 and were agreed in 2012. The first six statements will be rated from 1 (Strongly Agree)to 5 (Strongly Disagree) as per the paper SET surveys and the seventh question allows a free text response.
You can view the statements in section 1.6 here http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/professionaldevelopment/learningandteaching/evaluate/guidelines.aspx
Additional questions – Schools will have the option to add up to six additional statements, up to three per SET survey and up to three per SEM survey. These additional statements will be decided by schools and managed, stored and recalled locally by each school. These statements will adopt the same rating system. They will be held in a database and available via reports. They will not form part of the University level analysis.
b. Evaluate Roles and Responsibilities
A guide to Evaluate roles and responsibilities is currently being written and will be made available as soon as possible on the Evaluate CMS pages.
c. How can I access Evaluate?
Administrative staff can view details of how to log in to Evaluate and create surveys in section 3.8 here http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/professionaldevelopment/learningandteaching/evaluate/guidelines.aspx
d. Evaluate Guides
A good practice guide for academic staff who are using Evaluate with students is currently being written and will be made available as soon as possible on the Evaluate CMS pages.
Teaching staff can view details of how to log in and view their survey results in section 3.8 here
The Evaluate Good Practice Guide contains details about how Evaluate can be used as well as the roles and responsibilities of SET / SEM Co-ordinators, Academic staff and Students. Access the guide here (http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/professionaldevelopment/documents/evaluation/bluecastle-evaluate-good-practice-guide.pdf)
e. SEM Publication from September 2014
SEM results will be published online this academic year (2014/15). The policy for publication is currently being drafted, will be ratified by the Teaching and Learning Board in October and be communicated shortly after this. Initially SEM publication will not be fully automated by Evaluate – data will be exported and will require manual intervention to publish. If you have any queries regarding SEM publication please contact evaluate@nottingham.ac.uk
f. Evaluate Policy
Evaluate policy for 2014/15 is currently being drafted. This will be ratified by the Teaching and Learning Board in October. When it is finalised it will be added to the Evaluate pages on the Professional Development area of our website here http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/professionaldevelopment/learningandteaching/evaluate/faq.aspx.
g. Where to find out more information
As training documents, guidance and policies are finalised these will be added to the Evaluate pages on the Professional Development area of our website. These are currently being finalised but in the near future can be accessed here http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/professionaldevelopment/learningandteaching/evaluate/index.aspx.
3. Contacts
For queries regarding the SET and/or SEM process and policy the Evaluate team can be contacted via evaluate@nottingham.ac.uk
All technical issues with Evaluate should be supported in the usual way via it-helpline@nottingham.ac.uk.
To view previous communications regarding Evaluate please visit: http://workspace.nottingham.ac.uk/x/BRkzD
Professor Alan Ford,
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning
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