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How to Budget in the Kitchen

The thought of cooking for yourself everyday can be quite daunting. Between lectures, deadlines, extra curriculars, and having a social life; cooking healthy meals each night all while living on a budget may seem impossible. But don’t worry, with a bit of planning and a few you-tube videos, cooking for yourself at university will become …

A Place Worth Knowing

In Lenton, there is a place lit entirely by gas lamps. Go there in the evening and it’s like stepping straight into a Victorian night. The houses are old and huge, and some of the roads are wide enough to host a slalom. There are trees that I’ve no idea the names of, but are …

5 Places to Study on Campus Outside of the Library

We’re in the second week of the dreaded exam period. By this point, you’ve likely spent countless hours in George Green or Hallward library, having to get there super early to guarantee a space amongst the masses of students which descend upon UoN libraries during this busy time. Often revising in the same space day …

5 Self Care Tips for Students

Being at uni is an amazing experience. You meet new people, you experience new things, you make life-long memories. It’s great. Then, a few weeks into every semester, something happens which shifts the atmosphere… …assessment period draws near. Ah, that dreaded time. It brings along with it some of our least favourite things. All-nighters at …

Guide to being a student in Nottingham

Being a student is hard. Lucky for us, Nottingham makes it just that bit easier. Here are my top tips for making the most of your student status in Nottingham before entering the real world where student discounts don’t apply. First off, read that last line again. And then re-read it. Too many students don’t …

Tips for saving money on your food shop

Those dreaded two words ‘food shop’ make students cringe so easily, either because it means spending money or because it means a long hike in the rain which just seems like too much effort.  Nonetheless, although we don’t have parents around us to make sure that we’re getting our 5 a day (unless they mean overpriced coffees?), …

The Art of the Shortcut

I am a connoisseur not of wine or jazz, but of shortcuts. My mind craves efficiency and is constantly calculating ways to streamline my travels. Once you recognise that a 30-minute trek can be shortened to a 10-minute march, I believe that you too will become host to this invaluable craving. Here, I aim to …

The Mind of a Sickly Student

Last week, I took sick. Sudden, frightful, intense… the disease had ambitions to vanquish my innards and there were moments within those delirious 24 hours where I was convinced it would succeed. We’ve my masterful immune system to thank for the brevity of the illness, although its battle with the miniature intruders was invisible to …

Be Wise, Be Warm – An Ingenious Guide to Winter Living

We have become insipid and spiritless in our approach to surviving Winter. This nation appears to be content with the dreary same old, same old survival formula of a scarf, a beanie, mittens, and a thick coat. The drive to dream up creative methods of maximising comfort has been snowed under by complacency. Want more. …

Dealing with ‘Writer’s Block’ During Deadlines

It’s that grey time of year again – amid all of the festivities and Christmas lights in Nottingham, many of us are getting our heads down in Hallward and trying to bash out an essay which we should have realistically started a few weeks ago. Sometimes, having a deadline looming over you can really boost …