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The Phantom of the Opera is My Essay

There’s something very satisfying when I realise you can write one of your final university essays on Lloyd Webber’s ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. And that is exactly what I am going to be doing for my third year module ‘Theatre Industry and Theatre Art’ – which I used to abbreviate as TATI, which I thought …

The Art of Drying

Student living presents many difficult problems for the common student to over. Difficulties such as how to create a nourishing meal out of one onion, five easy-peeler tangerines and three and a half crackers. Or how to survive when you’re bursting for the toilet and a housemate has just gone in the bathroom for a …

Let Me Count the Ways

University may not be for everyone. Devoting long hours of your weekend to the perusal of Austen, Smith or Milton may sound to some people like the craziest, most grotesque form of self-punishment thinkable but for others, for me, it is the most rewarding, pleasurable pastime imaginable. To dive and swim in the imaginations of …

The Plot Thickens

The first, of what I hope will be many, Cluedo Nights occurred on Thursday. I promised you something interesting would be in this weeks blog, didn’t I? So who did it, with what and where? Mrs. White, Dagger in the Library and Colonel Mustard, Revolver in the Ballroom. To be honest with you I didn’t get the answer …