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5 Essential Tips for a Successful Group Project

As university students, you’ve probably encountered a group project or two throughout your academic journey. Group projects can be challenging and stressful, but they are also an excellent opportunity to learn new skills and collaborate with your peers. Whether it’s a presentation, research paper, or group assignment, here are five essential tips to help you …

Things I’ve Learnt When Doing My Dissertation

Already into the third month of 2016, your dissertation deadline’s probably getting dangerously close. We’re all dealing with it differently – denial, followed by another day in bed watching House of Cards. Rage. Frustration. Calling your mum in a panic. Worry. Even accepting defeat.   Don’t worry. We’re going to get through this.   Here …

Microbiology was exhaustive and it still is

Hello everyone! I was so preoccupied with my dissertation that I didn’t have time to make a new post in this blog. Just so you know, my dissertation is near to completion. It’s not done yet but I’m getting there. The deadline is after all this Thursday. Can’t wait for it to be over! I …