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Time at University Travels Fast

I can say with the old wistful eyes of a student in his final year, that my time at university has flown by like a black bat in the night-time. Three years isn’t so long. The days are brief and spritely and race along fast. It is Winter, already. Mince pies are waking from their …

Be Wise, Be Warm – An Ingenious Guide to Winter Living

We have become insipid and spiritless in our approach to surviving Winter. This nation appears to be content with the dreary same old, same old survival formula of a scarf, a beanie, mittens, and a thick coat. The drive to dream up creative methods of maximising comfort has been snowed under by complacency. Want more. …

Student Friendly Mince Pie Recipe

I apologise for my disappearing act last week! Life has been a little bit crazy these last few weeks. Fortunately, Christmas is almost here and it brings with it festive food! If you get a chance in this hectic final week of term, head to the kitchen and bake some of these mince pies for …