How To: Fight Fresher’s Flu
August 27, 2018
Fresher’s week is known for many things; wild nights out, campus fairs, cliché pictures at the ‘Nottingham’ sign. One of the biggest things you’re headed for, however, is the dreaded fresher’s flu. And trust me, there’s no escaping this one. While we at Nottingham do want you all to enjoy your fresher’s week, we also …
What to expect when you’re expecting….to come to Nottingham
August 20, 2018
The coming fall will mark 2 years since I made the 4000-mile trek to the University of Nottingham. With the start of a new academic year looming, I have decided to use my blog to advise incoming international students on what to expect upon arrival and how to transition to life in Nottingham as easily …