Baby Steps: Presenting at a National Conference
May 13, 2018
The initial part of the title may confuse those who are familiar with my blog. However, with finals coming up soon and my metaphorical creative juice supply running low, I decided to start a mini-series called ‘Baby Steps’. Over the next few weeks, I will document all the little firsts I’ve experienced in my time …
Things People Say to English Students
February 14, 2018
‘I bet you love reading’ I mean, it would be strange if I did do an English degree if I completely hated reading, but try enjoyment of such does not necessarily mean that I love all the books that I’m required to read. Although having a passion for the subject (most of the time) does …
Career Decisions
April 30, 2013
Its getting to that time, nearly 2/3 of the way through my degree that I can’t really hide from the future anymore – like it or not, this time next year I’ll be heading out in the real world, I can only put the decisions that entails off for so long. I’ve never really been …