Interested in blogging about your life as a student?
November 6, 2017
Are you keen to share your experience, boost your CV and earn money by blogging for your University? Get paid £7.20 (plus holiday pay) an hour to write about your life as a student. Blogs will be aimed at fellow UoN students and applicants, and will usually focus on life outside the lecture theatre, what …
First Year Reflection: A Transition
April 10, 2017
The past seven and a half months have passed by quicker than I could ever have imagined. I know I’m not exactly old, but I realise how true it is that time seems to fly by as you get older. There’s no more sitting in classrooms struggling to keep my eyes open on a Friday …
Snapshot of my week one
October 3, 2016
I have no idea what it is about writing blog posts on trains, for some reason my mind just pours out words and is like yep, these words sound good together! I’ve had a pretty hectic week, but I’m slowly coming back to reality as lectures start this week. I wanted to get my thoughts …