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Everyone’s Favourite Spots in Nottingham City Centre

A quick note from UoN: these blogs are here to provide you information that will be useful to you throughout your time with us, whether that be a year, three years or many more. But our class of 2020 is, as we all know, joining us under difficult circumstances so we ask you to follow …

The Art of the Shortcut

I am a connoisseur not of wine or jazz, but of shortcuts. My mind craves efficiency and is constantly calculating ways to streamline my travels. Once you recognise that a 30-minute trek can be shortened to a 10-minute march, I believe that you too will become host to this invaluable craving. Here, I aim to …

Spending the summer in Notts? Be a tourist!

It’s rather an English tradition that, come summer, students flock back to the nest for a few months instead of sticking around their university town. A Dutch friend of mine found this bizarre and confusing – why would you want to go back to your parents’ place? (Aside from cheaper living costs, of course…) For …