August 27, 2018, by Shweta
How To: Fight Fresher’s Flu
Fresher’s week is known for many things; wild nights out, campus fairs, cliché pictures at the ‘Nottingham’ sign. One of the biggest things you’re headed for, however, is the dreaded fresher’s flu. And trust me, there’s no escaping this one. While we at Nottingham do want you all to enjoy your fresher’s week, we also want you to stay safe and healthy and so today, I’ll be bringing my best “mom” impression to the table in this post.
- Eat healthy! Or at least try to. It’s very tempting to binge eat the free slices of pizza they give out during the fairs. Don’t let me stop you from demolishing a slice but make sure you eat healthy, get your nutrients and stay hydrated as this will keep you fit enough to survive those long nights out at Crisis.
- Register at the GP. In the unfortunate event that you do fall ill, you’ll want a GP on hand to address any concerns you may have; especially if this is your first time away from home and don’t have Mum around to help. Make registering with Cripps Health Centre a priority during your first week so you don’t have to worry when you fall sick.
- Raid the pharmacy. Stock up on cough sweets, paracetamol, bandages and anything else your mom would pack on a hypothetical camping trip. You’ll be glad to have these supplies on hand when you’re too sick to make the walk to the nearest Boots.
- Get outside. September is a wonderful time at Nottingham (although it’s arguable that our campus is beautiful ANY time of year). There’s a crisp chill in the air but it isn’t so cold that you’re suffocating under 30 layers of clothing. Make sure you get outside and breathe some fresh air. Exploring our campus is a wonderful way to do just that.
- Carry hand sanitizer around with you. Yes, nerd out on the sanitizer; you won’t regret it. During fresher’s week, you’ll be encountering hundreds of people from all over the world every single day. Make sure to clean your hands before eating or touching your face as this will minimize the transfer of germs.
Finally, don’t let the flu get you down. Make sure you get plenty of rest but also make memories. You only get one chance at Fresher’s and it’s an experience like no other so make the most of it while you can. Prevention is better than cure. Remember, it’s a cliché for a reason; it’s true.
Until next time,
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