Social media, what is it good for (when used as part of your work)?
August 16, 2016
Dr Ansgar Koene, Senior Research Fellow in the Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute, discusses a study into use of social media in academia. The POET (Public Outreach Engagement Tool) project by the CaSMa and CREATe groups at Horizon Digital Economy Research is developing a tool that can be used by researchers to visualise their social …
Celebrating women in STEM
July 3, 2015
Yesterday was the fifth annual WinSET (Women in Science, Engineering and Technology) conference at the University. This is an annual event which brings together women working in STEM subjects, organised as part of the work of the WinSET group. I live-tweeted the event – you can read the storify here, or scroll down for a slide-show …
Location, social media and the perception of identity
June 6, 2012
One of our postgrads is examining the connection between location and identity through use of social media. Abdur Rahman’s research is in its very early stages, but it examines how social media can create one coherent (or incoherent, depending on how you use it…) online identity for us – as opposed to arguably more multi-faceted identities …