New publishing opportunities for researchers
May 25, 2021
Guest blog by Tony Simmonds, Senior Research Librarian, Faculty of Social Sciences A quiet revolution is unfolding in how research is published and consumed. Publisher by publisher, new articles are appearing by virtue of a novel business model. Steered by Plan S, which crystallises funders’ resolve to share research widely and quickly, the university is signing up to more …
Plan S: updated principles and guidance on open access
June 11, 2019
By Julie Baldwin Plan S: accelerating the transition to open access to grant-funded research In September 2018 Plan S, a new open access (OA) publishing initiative, was released. Led by European research funders, under the banner of cOAlition S, it aims to accelerate the transition to full and immediate open access to grant-funded research. UK …
Open Access Week 22 – 26 October 2018
October 2, 2018
University of Nottingham Libraries is holding a range of events to mark International Open Access Week. Now in its tenth year, Open Access Week is a chance to celebrate the benefits of opening up knowledge for all. The theme this year is ‘designing equitable foundations for open knowledge’ – working towards a truly inclusive scholarly …
Open access: research funders issue 2020 deadline
September 14, 2018
I would like to share with you an important and very significant change that is set to accelerate the transition towards open access (OA) publishing of research outputs, writes Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange. From 2020, 11 national funding organisations across Europe, including UKRI, will require that every paper they …