Our key role in attracting global R&D investment and driving economic growth

Professor Tom Rodden’s research update The University of Nottingham is part of a ground-breaking coalition of Midlands universities that has launched a £3m international campaign to attract inward investment into R&D, innovation and science – leveraging our global connections to drive economic growth across the region. I am delighted that the university is part of …

Invitation: research culture workshops 16-26 May

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner I am delighted to invite you to join the next stage in our ambitious project to transform research culture at the university. Research culture workshops take place between 16 and 26 May. Sign up for a research culture workshop These one-hour, open discussions will explore emerging themes and findings …

COVID-19: a milestone for our UK campuses

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner This week, the University has reached a milestone in the phased return of more research activity to our UK campuses with the first wave of buildings, research spaces and facilities being prepared to welcome back specific teams. However, as outlined in this week’s Recovery Group update by Deputy Vice-Chancellor …