Research remains our priority as the academic year begins
September 25, 2020
Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner The start of the academic year is always a special time in the life of a university, and this week feels particularly significant. Thanks to the remarkable efforts of many hundreds of people we have welcomed staff and students back to our campuses. I’m sure I am not alone …
Lockdown, wireworms and me: it’s good to back in the Hounsfield
August 18, 2020
Sam Booth, a second-year soil science PhD student, reflects on his return to work in the Hounsfield Facility at Sutton Bonington Campus The Hounsfield Facility is a state-of-the-art X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) lab, focusing on imaging soil characteristics and the organisms that inhabit it, as well as projects with various industries. My research, funded by Syngenta, uses X-ray …