Our key role in attracting global R&D investment and driving economic growth

Professor Tom Rodden’s research update The University of Nottingham is part of a ground-breaking coalition of Midlands universities that has launched a £3m international campaign to attract inward investment into R&D, innovation and science – leveraging our global connections to drive economic growth across the region. I am delighted that the university is part of …

Season’s greetings and a look ahead to 2024 in research   

Welcome to my final research update for 2023. I have hugely enjoyed my first few months back at Nottingham. As deputy exec chair for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and as a chief scientific adviser I enjoyed an overview of the research across the UK. In my first few months in this …

Signing off with news of excellent Knowledge Exchange Framework results

Welcome to my final update as Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange. Thank you for your support and goodwill during my time in this interim role. I’m delighted to sign off with excellent Knowledge Exchange Framework results and a strong round-up of support and opportunities for our research community. From October I hand over …