My thanks and a look ahead to 2022

Season’s greetings from Professor Dame Jessica Corner Welcome to my final research update of 2021. It feels particularly tough to be writing this as we face new challenges in getting through the pandemic and as we return to scenario planning for different eventualities. But there is also room for optimism. We continue to help drive …

Our gradual and careful approach for research as restrictions are lifted

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner We are reviewing our research activities following the lifting of Covid restrictions by the government. This will be a careful and gradual approach, ensuring your wellbeing remains our first priority. We continue to work very closely with public health officials, and our estates and health and safety teams are …

Care homes trial offers hope

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner In a troubling week for the UK in its fight against the pandemic, it is heartening that a University of Nottingham-led national study offers hope of reducing the impact of coronavirus in care homes. Professor Philip Bath and Professor Adam Gordon from the School of Medicine are leading a …

COVID-19: a milestone for our UK campuses

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner This week, the University has reached a milestone in the phased return of more research activity to our UK campuses with the first wave of buildings, research spaces and facilities being prepared to welcome back specific teams. However, as outlined in this week’s Recovery Group update by Deputy Vice-Chancellor …