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It’s exciting to pull together and help make a difference in this pandemic

The Biodiscovery Institute’s Dr Ruth Griffin, one of the first researchers to return to the lab, reflects on her experiences as she continues vital work in developing vaccine platform technologies Most vaccines are injected but our delivery systems are designed for administration via mucosal routes such as the mouth or nose to target the natural …

Funding to help you work with small businesses

Funding is available to help our academics to engage and work with small and medium-sized businesses. The Small Business Engagement Award is an internal fund available to all academics and offers up to £4,000 to cover direct costs of academic time and project delivery. The University has an established SME business network and events programme …

Re-establishing and growing our research capacity as we return to campus

COVID-19 update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner I am delighted to share with you news that around 100 buildings have now reopened on our UK campuses. Thanks to a remarkable and concerted team effort, we are on course to achieve an ambitious goal of reopening nearly all our research buildings and facilities by early September. …

Everybody is looking forward to when a bit more buzz and normalcy can return

Rebecca Shaw, Project Manager  at the Gas Turbine and Transmissions Research Centre, reflects on the team’s return to campus I’m writing on behalf of the team that has reopened the Gas Turbine and Transmissions Research Centre (G2TRC) labs after the University shutdown, who are busy undertaking the work and data gathering so fundamental to our group. The …

Lockdown, wireworms and me: it’s good to back in the Hounsfield

Sam Booth, a second-year soil science PhD student, reflects on his return to work  in the Hounsfield Facility at Sutton Bonington Campus The Hounsfield Facility is a state-of-the-art X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) lab, focusing on imaging soil characteristics and the organisms that inhabit it, as well as projects with various industries.  My research, funded by Syngenta, uses X-ray …

I’m so proud to be part of the outstanding technical team leading us back to campus 

Technical manager Joanne Green on the work behind the scenes to ensure Chemistry was among the first buildings to re-open I lead a team of technicians working within four teaching laboratories. The School of Chemistry recruits a high number of undergraduates and our teaching laboratories are usually running at full capacity, which means my team are working constantly to ensure the …

On track to reopen all major research facilities by September

COVID-19 update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner I am delighted to confirm that the University is on track to reopen all our major research facilities by the beginning of September. This is the result of tremendous hard work and a team effort in the truest sense, with colleagues coming together to tackle an unprecedented and …

A sense of community and a welcome shot of adrenaline: Life Sciences PGRs hail virtual conference

Guest blog by Dr Mădălina Stălniceanu, Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Research Development Officer, Life Sciences Every June or July, the School of Life Sciences organises  a conference which aims to enable postgraduate research (PGRs) students to share their work and research in a supportive environment. Although preparations had started in late 2019, shortly after the move to online working at the end of March, the PGR Directorate team had to choose …

Our drive to contribute increases the itch to return to lab life

Nottingham Research Fellow Toshana Foster looks forward making a difference as she returns to the labs in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science I am part of the One Virology team of researchers at Nottingham and my research focuses on investigating the molecular mechanisms of host restriction of arenaviruses, such as Lassa virus (LASV). LASV, like …

Green shoots of recovery: my return to the Plant Sciences labs 

Dr Guilhem Reyt, a research fellow with the Future Food Beacon of Excellence, reflects on returning to the Plant Sciences labs, Sutton Bonington Campus. I’m in the final stages of my fellowship and during lockdown I was able to focus on paper writing and getting my work published. Juggling childcare with working from home was very challenging and strongly affected my productivity. However, I was amazed by the organisational switch …