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New virtual town halls and underlining our commitment to research

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner As parts of our region prepare to enter tougher Tier 3 restrictions against the pandemic, which are expected to come into force next week, our absolute priority remains your safety and wellbeing. Our Estates, Health and Safety and operations teams are continually monitoring the situation and the measures we …

Power snack: insects and innovation in rural Africa

A  project aims to support rural communities in Nigeria to generate income from sustainable, nutritious insect-based snacks. The next step is creating innovative supply chains to allow production across Africa and beyond. Dr Jo Gould explains My interests lie in understanding the processing of sustainable ingredients. I am the technical lead for the Sustainable insect …

Global Challenges Research Fund: apply now for internal award   

The University of Nottingham is inviting applications for internal awards to support the UK Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).  The £1.5bn GCRF supports cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. It forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment and is a key part of the UK’s overseas aid strategy.  The University distributes a block grant …

Research remains our priority as the academic year begins

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner The start of the academic year is always a special time in the life of a university, and this week feels particularly significant. Thanks to the remarkable efforts of many hundreds of people we have welcomed staff and students back to our campuses. I’m sure I am not alone …

Back in the field: greetings from the Arctic

Laura Turner, a second year PhD student in the School of Geography, recounts a ‘priceless experience’ – carrying out fieldwork in Greenland to study the effects of climate change Climate change is altering many aspects of life in the Arctic, including increased growth of shrubs and changes to the timing of plant flowering and die-off. …

Celebrating our postdocs

To mark National Postdoc Appreciation Week, we’ve asked some of our postdocs to reflect on their experiences and the support and opportunities available Dr Nesma Aboulkhair From a personal perspective, I found the ECR (Early Career Researcher) Leadership Programme, which is run by the universities of Nottingham and Birmingham, was excellent. As postdocs, it’s easy …

Our resilient researchers are rising to the challenge

COVID-19 update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner As our preparations for the start of the new academic session gather momentum I wanted to share with you highlights of our latest successes and developments in research. It is also very good to report that we expect our final research-related areas to be opening over the next …

Researcher Academy: championing researchers for the world

Head of the Graduate School Dr Jane Wellens introduces the Researcher Academy, which is being created to further cultivate excellence across our whole research community Over the past 25 years, the Graduate School has provided dedicated support to our University researcher community. It had gradually evolved with the changing research landscape to encompass functions and …