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A warm hello from Professor Dame Jessica Corner

In this blog post, Professor Dame Jessica Corner DBE introduces herself as the University’s new Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange. I’d like to extend a warm hello to all University of Nottingham staff and students as I take up my new position as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange. The University is internationally recognised …

Research project studies tic ‘habits’ in children with Tourette Syndrome

Academics at the University have embarked on a two-year research project (LoTUS) aimed at further understanding how tics develop – and become difficult to overcome – in children with Tourette Syndrome (TS). Led by Professor Georgina Jackson in the Institute of Mental Health, the work is funded with a £97,651 grant from the national charity …

Monetising music

The Melbourne suburb of Brunswick, located 6 km north of the city centre, has a history of radical politics, ethnic and cultural diversity and also hosts the annual Brunswick Music Festival. In that sense it is appropriate setting in which to find Wick Studios, a space dedicated to the musical economy in its various forms. …

Beyond counting the edges

Paul Crawford, Professor of Health Humanities in the School of Health Sciences and Director of the Centre for Social Futures at the Institute of Mental Health, discusses why we need to move towards a more compassionate research culture in Higher Education. It is important that research does not become merely an elite activity for the few in Higher …

Global Research Theme Lead Professor Georgina Endfield

Q&A with Professor Georgina Endfield, Global Research Theme Lead for Sustainable Societies. World-class research doesn’t happen by accident. It happens at The University of Nottingham because we put research excellence at the heart of what we do. The size and scope of global challenges pose critical questions which academics research to directly impact the lives …

Dementia – what does it mean to you?

Written by Justine Schneider, Professor of Mental Health and Social Care at The University of Nottingham, reflecting on the recent Dementia: testing knowledge event at the University of Cambridge and the play Inside Out of Mind. I am nearly 58 and recently went online to calculate my life expectancy. The first website put my age …

Dementia in the workplace

By Justine Schneider, Professor of Mental Health and Social Care at The University of Nottingham. ‘People may continue working to 100’ said the radio today. While politicians, writers and musicians are notable for their long working lives, this news may give astute employers pause for thought in the light of the growing rate of dementia …

The student experience of Roche Continents 2015

Neil Thomas Smith is second-year PhD student in the Department of Music supervised by Professor Robert Adlington. His research focuses on German contemporary composer, Mathias Spahlinger. Roche Continents takes place in the context of the Salzburg Festival of classical music with over 100 students from 36 countries brought together for a programme of lectures, workshops …

Nottingham researcher is recognised by the British Carbon Group award

A University of Nottingham chemist has joined the ranks of winners of the annual award established in 1996 by the British Carbon Group in memory of Brian Kelly, a leading authority on the physics of graphite. The prestigious award includes a travel grant for the winner to present their work at the annual World Carbon …

Celebrating women in STEM

Yesterday was the fifth annual WinSET (Women in Science, Engineering and Technology) conference at the University. This is an annual event which brings together women working in STEM subjects, organised as part of the work of the WinSET group. I live-tweeted the event – you can read the storify here, or scroll down for a slide-show …