It’s been quite a privilege: my 30 years at Nottingham

Professor Neil Crout, Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, is retiring. Here, he reflects on 30-plus years at the University of Nottingham The university in 1990(ish) Money was very tight, staff numbers had fallen in our school, and recruitment was rare. We were worried about the low A-level grade of our incoming students. The …

Building on an excellent foundation

Guest blog by Niall O’Loughlin, Director of Director of RKE Excellence and Strategy. I joined Nottingham at the end of November 2022 in my new role as Director of Research & Knowledge Exchange Excellence and Strategy. I would first of all like to thank all of you who I have meet and had a chance …

Climate change: we are determined to make a difference

Research update from Professor Neil Crout Following COP27 in Egypt, I am pleased to share news of how our researchers are delivering climate solutions that are having impact at local, national and global level, from a new energy system set to reduce carbon emissions and homeowners’ bills at an award-winning community energy scheme in Nottingham, …

Our commitment to sharing knowledge for the benefit of all 

Update from Professor Neil Crout Nottingham has been reaffirmed as one of England’s leading universities for working collaboratively with industry and the public sector.  Research England’s Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) demonstrates our commitment to the sharing of knowledge and is an opportunity for universities to evidence how we support regional and national priorities and sustainable …

Welcome to the new academic year

Research update from Professor Neil Crout Welcome to the new academic year and my first update as interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange. I look forward to working with you in securing the goals of the university’s renewed research strategy and sharing news of support and opportunities for researchers, as well as celebrating your …

Lively and thought-provoking town halls   

Research update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner My thanks to all who supported our latest series of online town halls, where we updated on the university’s renewed strategy for research and held a Q&A to discuss how we can together achieve our goals.  Questions at each of the five faculty-led town halls were thought-provoking and …

Our message of hope at COP26: research can truly change the world

COP26, the United Nations Climate Conference, opens in Glasgow on 1 November, and I will be proud to lead a small delegation from our university at this incredibly important event. We will carry a message of hope. We face the greatest challenge of our time yet a common purpose and shared determination to deliver innovative, …

Next steps in research strategy consultation, and tackling climate change

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner Research strategy consultation We continue to make good progress towards developing the university’s new research strategy. We are reviewing your inputs into the green paper consultation and conversations at a series of faculty-led town halls (responses from 1,600 colleagues and around 500 attendees). Your insights are helping to identify …