Exploding brain syndrome – PG Research Showcase

Have just got back to my desk after visiting the excellent 2012 Postgraduate Research Showcase in the Engineering and Science Learning Centre on University Park. I have a slight throbbing in the temples to be honest. There were so many interesting projects on show, and so many enthusiastic people to talk to, that I could …

Drone flights, elephants and Hendrix

You might have seen our recent research story on the work taking place on our Malaysia campus to track endangered elephants on the Malay peninsula. MEME, the Management & Ecology of Malaysian Elephants (MEME) research project, is headed up by Dr Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, an ecologist and conservation expert, in the School of Geography. Using the very latest GPS …

Location, social media and the perception of identity

One of our postgrads is examining the connection between location and identity through use of social media. Abdur Rahman’s research is in its very early stages, but it examines how social media can create one coherent (or incoherent, depending on how you use it…) online identity for us – as opposed to arguably more multi-faceted identities …

3D printing – watch this space

Have been talking to the engineers setting up the (deep breath, because this is a mouthful…) EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Additive Manufacturing at the University. The centre will launch on July 1st, home to more than 40 researchers. They’re among the best in the world in the field of 3D printing and additive …

In the zone?

Interesting piece of research that crosses the murky borders of definition into art here. A collaboration between artist and filmmaker David Bickerstaff and Dr Victoria Tischler, a chartered psychologist and lecturer at the University, examines the concept of what athletes term ‘The Zone’ – the state of mind where they achieve absolute focus on their …


Welcome to Research Exchange, a blog showcasing the incredible research taking place at The University of Nottingham. We’re just getting started so bear with us if we seem a bit wobbly at times… If you’re interested in University research you might like to bookmark our Research Exchange website, follow us on Twitter or email us …