Author Post Archive

Posts by Rob Ounsworth

Nottingham’s pledge: no hiding place here for slavery

Slavery is blighting lives right here in Nottingham. Dr Alison Gardner, of the Rights Lab Beacon of Excellence at the University of Nottingham, on how local agencies have pledged to free the victims of modern slavery ‘hidden in plain sight’ in the city. A year after the police chief in Nottinghamshire committed to making the …

Research Fellow Nesma: For me, this is the best place in the world to be

The University of Nottingham’s Anne McLaren Fellowships are aimed at outstanding female scholars in science, technology, engineering and medicine at the early stage of their academic careers. Nesma Aboulkhair is an Anne McLaren Research Fellow in the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Additive Manufacturing, where she researches the innovative 3D printing technology Metaljet, using the …

Professor James Moran: why cultures are enriched by writing and performance

Professor James Moran on his role as lead of the University of Nottingham’s Cultures and Communication Global Research Theme. You lead the Cultures and Communication Global Research Theme (GRT) at Nottingham. What does this entail? Here at the University of Nottingham, we have a truly world-class group of researchers who are working on issues related to …

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Research Priority Areas: a vital part of our research ecosystem

Dr Richard Masterman on the vital role of the University of Nottingham’s Research Priority Areas in promoting transdisciplinary research. The University of Nottingham is investing an unprecedented £200m as we refocus and strengthen our vision and ambition for research. Underpinning the delivery of this vision is our strength in continuing to develop transdisciplinary advances. This …

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Introducing Smart Industrial Systems: towards smart production of smart products

Concluding a series introducing the University’s Beacons of Excellence, Professor Steve Benford, Director of Smart Industrial Systems, explains how smart products will redefine our relationship with technology. The industrial economy was about manufacturing physical products while the digital economy is about delivering online services. These will collide in the future economy in the form of personalised …

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Introducing Green Chemicals: discovering carbon-neutral solutions for a sustainable future

In the latest of a series introducing the University’s Beacons of Excellence, Professor Alex Conradie, Director of Green Chemicals, explains how our world-leading expertise will drive a revolution in biotechnology and sustainable manufacturing. The Atari 2600 occupies a nostalgic place in my heart when I recollect my formative years. When I was a kid in …

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Precision Imaging: driving the development of personalised medicine

In the third of a series introducing the University of Nottingham’s Beacons of Excellence — transdisciplinary research teams championing our responses to global challenges — Professor Dorothee Auer, Director of Precision Imaging, explains how our research will help revolutionise treatment and diagnosis. One in five people in the East Midlands live with a chronic disease …

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Rights Lab: discover how we can end slavery

In the second of a series introducing the University of Nottingham’s Beacons of Excellence — transdisciplinary research teams championing our responses to global challenges — Professor Zoe Trodd of the Rights Lab explains how ending slavery will benefit us all.   There are 46 million people enslaved around the world today. But we’re in the middle of …

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Propulsion Futures: We’re at the heart of a revolution in greener propulsion of transport

As part of the University’s landmark £200m investment in research, our new Beacons of Excellence are championing our transdisciplinary responses to global challenges. Professor David Grant is Director of the Propulsions Futures Beacon. Here he outlines how our world-leading researchers are working, with our partners in industry, to deliver a revolution in sustainable transport. Propulsion …

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Our Research Vision: what it means for you

Join Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, at a series of roadshows this June to find out more about the University of Nottingham’s Research Vision. Dame Jessica says: “The University of Nottingham is making an unparalleled investment in both our research and our people. What does this mean for all researchers …

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