Author Post Archive

Posts by Rob Ounsworth

Research fellow’s GCRF success: climate change and building social resilience

A Nottingham Research Fellow is the UK lead of one of 20 international networks launched today (April 22, 2020) by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to tackle challenges in the developing world. Dr Arabella Fraser, of the School of Geography, is working with world-leading collaborators investigating the links between violence and climate change in marginalised …

Let’s reflect, relax and recharge this Easter

An update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner As we look forward to an extended Easter break, I would like to thank you once again for your amazing commitment in these difficult times. I am proud to be part of a research community so dedicated to making a difference. On social media, please look out for …

COVID-19: thank you for your resilience, dedication and compassion

An update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner I would like to once again update our research community on our continued response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and share with you the latest updates of how our commitment to each other and society is truly making a difference. Many of us feel disorientated in these extraordinary …

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Researchers, we are listening 

A message to postgraduate researchers from the Graduate School “Won’t somebody think of postgraduate researchers?” asked a higher education journal last week. We’ve been hearing the same sentiment from some of our own postgraduate researchers (PGRs) as well as some of our research staff and APM colleagues who support them.   At the Graduate School we spend a lot of time advocating for all our researchers and …

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner

As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times together, I am writing with a further update for you on our research and knowledge exchange activity. This follows the introduction by the UK Government of the most significant restrictions our country has witnessed in order to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Prioritising essential research In …

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): a message from Professor Dame Jessica Corner

We are living in unprecedented circumstances. Many of you will be focused on how best to protect, support and reassure our students and colleagues, while also focusing on your own families and friends. As you are aware, the University transitions to online learning from 23 March, and we are actively preparing for how we best …

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Research Strategy update: thank you for sharing your insights

A key pillar of the University’s Research Strategy is empowering and engaging with all colleagues dedicated to the delivery of our world-leading discoveries. To further support this, each of the University’s five faculties invited colleagues a series of Research Strategy briefings. Hosted by Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellors (AVPCs) for Research and Knowledge Exchange, these nine briefings took place …

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Join us in March to discuss improving policy engagement with the Global South

Chris Sims, Head of Global Policy Impact at the Institute for Policy and Engagement, outlines an opportunity for researchers to gain insights directly from Global South policy makers. Countries in the Global South factor prominently in both the research conducted and curricula taught in UK universities, including Nottingham. How this research and teaching deals with complex …

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Taming microbes at the University’s Biodiscovery Institute

On 12 May the University is officially opening its £100 million Biodiscovery Institute.  In the first of a series of blogs, its Director Chris Denning wrote on Valentine’s Day about how the Institute’s expertise in regenerative medicine will help cure broken hearts though its world-leading stem cell research.  Today we’re highlighting another area of cross-disciplinary expertise that will be showcased to colleagues and visitors …

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