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Research culture: looking forward to further progress

Research and knowledge exchange update from Professor Jeanette Woolard Welcome to our university’s first research and knowledge exchange update of 2025. Happy new year! This is also my first blog as Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Researcher Academy and Research Culture Development. My remit includes delivery of a key pillar of our research strategy – helping …

Celebrating our international impact in 2024

Welcome to our final research and knowledge exchange update of 2024. This year, the university updated its international research and knowledge exchange strategy and to celebrate this, I am delighted to share a few highlights from 2024 of how our activity across the world is supporting this strategy. Our international research and knowledge exchange strategy …

University of Nottingham Ningbo China: research and KE highlights 2024

The University of Nottingham Ningbo China shares its research and knowledge exchange highlights of 2024, and looks ahead to 2025. Driving Green Innovation with Sichuan Longyuan The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) has partnered with Sichuan Longyuan to establish the Green Smart Equipment Technology Innovation Collaboration Platform. This initiative supports China’s national strategy for …

University of Nottingham Malaysia: research and KE highlights 2024

University of Nottingham Malaysia shares its research and knowledge exchange highlights of 2024, and looks ahead to 2025. In 2024, the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Hub team at the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) successfully secured 70 new grants with a value of RM15.2 million (£2.69m). This funding supports diverse initiatives, including contract and …

Research England appoints Professor Tom Rodden to key role supporting Research Excellence Framework  

Professor Tom Rodden, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, has been appointed by Research England to a leadership role to help guide the delivery of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) in 2029.  The Research Excellence Framework is the UK’s system for assessing the excellence of research in UK higher education providers. The REF outcomes are …

Our leading role in delivering UK’s strategic vision

The autumn budget set aside a record £20.4bn for R&D, with core research funding increasing to £6.1bn, another record. More than  4,700 newly funded post-graduate places in UK universities have been created to inspire a generation of engineers and scientists, and £40m earmarked to support the spin-out from universities of new ideas. While the HE …

£69.5m funding is testament to the quality of our research and knowledge exchange

Research update by Professor Sarah Metcalfe, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange I am delighted to share news that the university is to receive £69.5m in quality-related research funding (QR) for the 2024/25 academic year.  This is our largest source of public funding for research and is the university’s share of the £2bn allocated …

Our commitment to a positive culture for research

Welcome to the first research update for the 2024-25 academic year. I hope you enjoyed a restful summer break. I am delivering this update with my fellow member of University Executive Board, Professor Katherine Linehan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for People and Culture. Katherine is the strategic lead for People and Culture and is committed to making our …

Strong research funding performance is a fantastic achievement

I am delighted to report that the University of Nottingham is expected to exceed our target of £186m of new research funding awards this year. We are also seeing a strong performance in new research bid applications which are expected to reach a target of £726m for 2023/4, compared to £707m last year. Our research …