Author Post Archive

Posts by Irena Hulova

Engaging in Whitehall: learning through uncertain times

Written by Sarah Hall, Professor of Economic Geography, School of Geography, At the end of October, I was invited to deliver a masterclass on the impacts of Brexit for the UK’s financial services sector at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). When I received the invitation, I was particularly excited because it allowed me …

Blowing our own trumpet

We held our fourth “Nottingham Engaged” conference on Tuesday 17 September, the second to be run by the Institute for Policy and Engagement. It was also something of a landmark for me, as September marks a year since I joined the Institute, and the University.  I remember last year feeling simultaneously relieved (there is so …

Walking the Walk

It is striking that, for all the research projects, publications and impact statements, as researchers we still get anxious about involving people as advisors. Yet the relationships we form are so important for the success of any research project. These relationships need to be fostered pre-bid and sustained beyond the life of any study. Of …

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The rewards and risks of achieving policy impact as a scholar

A blog based on the talk given by Prof Francesca Klug OBE to the Nottingham Women Expert Network at the University of Nottingham in May For more information about support with policy engagement, sign up to the Nottingham Engaged conference on 17 September In the blurb about her session, Professor Francesca Klug committed to telling …

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