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Part of the organization team

Picture 1. Pictures show the tablet press machine (on the left). On the right Alexandra (from CDT) is demonstrating how powder compressed into tablet using the punch press handles.Picture 2. Simple dissolution test of tablets was tested on the day by children to compare the rate of dissolution between normal compressed tablets and effervescent one.Picture 3. Children suited up in a lab coat, gloves and safety specs to prepare a cream formulation.Picture 4. To produce colorful cream, children had to choose a colouring agent to incorporate it in the cream formulation (picture on the left). After that, they had to mix components together using traditional glass mortar and pestle (picture in the middle) and pack it and label it nicely in a plastic jar.Picture 5. On the left, picture shows a model drug-carrier system where tennis ball is the drug and plasticine, which was cut to shape to fit in one of the organs in the 3D poster. On the right, one of the children decided to target the brain is trying to fit his system into human body poster.Picture 6. On the left, one of the children decided to target the heart so, she has cut a pink plasticine into a heart shape while on the right another child decided to target the lung.