March 19, 2021, by mszrm4

Spotlight on Scholars – Munesh Khamuani

This is one of our “Spotlight on Scholars” blog posts: introducing current members of our student body and discussing what they are learning about #MedEd and the Nottingham Course.


What is your experience in working in medical education?

Before starting the MMedSci course in Nottingham, I worked as an Anatomy Demonstrator at the University of Birmingham where my role involved teaching anatomy, histology and neuroanatomy to medical and dental students in small group tutorials. My enthusiasm for anatomy teaching was strengthened during my MSc in Human Anatomy at the University of Edinburgh where I had the opportunity to teach anatomy to medical students in large and small groups. I realised in the early years of my undergraduate degree in dentistry that I wanted to pursue a career in anatomy teaching. I was discouraged by most people back home from switching my field and was told to not waste the years of hard work I have put into becoming a dentist. Since “you only get to live once”, I decided to follow my inner voice that was telling me to follow my passion. I feel that studying in the UK was the best decision I took in my life, as I was not only able to unlock my potential but also recognise my capabilities that have helped me to develop personally and professionally. The best part about being in academia is the positive impact I have on my students as it satisfies me and fulfils my purpose of being an educator.

Which one of the 12 roles of a teacher appeals most to you and why?

It is interesting to realise that I have not yet been involved in all the 12 roles of a teacher but I have mainly been involved as a ‘facilitator’. I believe it can be quite challenging to create an effective learning environment for students considering the diversity of learners and complexity of the subject. Moreover, getting inspiration from my course director, Dr Rakesh Patel, I have come to appreciate the other roles of a teacher: one of which being ‘teacher as a reflective practitioner’. I believe this role can help to perform better in all the other roles.

One thing you’ve discovered studying on the programme that you didn’t know before starting this year?

I have discovered that there is so much to learn as an educator. With respect to the medical education literature and teaching scholarship, it has been interesting to learn new things every day to develop one’s own professional identity. I have really enjoyed the modules especially the way they are designed and the kind of academic support we’ve been given. In addition, I am really looking forward to applying the theory in practice.

The most interesting paper you’ve come across so far in your reading?

It has to be the self-regulation theory by John Sanders and Timothy Cleary as I could relate it to my personal experiences as a learner. It is evident that applying the cyclic regulation and strategic attributions can have a significant impact on one’s learning.

What you’d like to achieve by the end of this year?

I want to be a better version of myself as an educator and I want to have a positive impact on the people around me. I want to inspire the next generation to educate themselves and develop their identities to benefit the community. I also want to get involved and contribute my part in shaping the future of my students.

Munesh Khamuani BDS MSc AFHEA is currently a full-time scholar on the MMedSci


Join us on the Nottingham MedEd course:

To read more:

John Sandars & Timothy J. Cleary (2011) Self-regulation theory: Applications to medical education: AMEE Guide No. 58, Medical Teacher, 33:11, 875-886, DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2011.595434

R.M. Harden, Joy Crosby (2000) AMEE Guide No 20: The good teacher is more than a lecturer – the twelve roles of the teacher, Medical Teacher, 22:4, 334-347, DOI: 10.1080/014215900409429

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