May 1, 2019, by pmzmah

Mathematical Sciences Egg Hunt

The eggs were accompanied by messages of support and positivity

This Easter, one of our students Katie Severn decided to create an egg hunt promoting mental health awareness.


What was it?

Hidden all around the department were small chocolate eggs each with a fact or information about mental health.

A lot of the eggs provided useful information such as links to websites with advice (HealthyU), apps that aim to help tackle stress and anxiety (Youper) and general ways to help with wellbeing (exercise).

Over 200 facts were written and eggs hidden- plenty for the whole department! I’ve got to admit my hand ached by the end of writing them.


Why do it?

As the PhD mental health Ambassador I felt like this was a great way to get the whole department to engage with mental health.  By running events like these I hope that the stigma surrounding mental health will continue to decrease and people will become comfortable talking to others about mental health. Also with the added incentive of chocolate it was an opportunity for everyone to learn about mental health and realise it’s importance, and maybe even signpost ways to increase their own wellbeing.


How was it?

I was really pleased with the engagement for the event, I had UG, PhD, post docs, lecturers and admin staff all talk to me and join in. I know some people were so egg-cited they spent sessions looking for eggs around the whole department!

People said some of the facts shocked them especially the prevalence ( 1 in 4 people in the UK will be affected by mental health problems at some point in their lifetime), and others said they would look into the support signposted. Because of the success of this I’m really looking forward to planning another mental health event in future.


The hardest egg hidden?

.. well I can’t say because it’s still not been found!

Eggs were hidden all across Mathematical Sciences

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