Maths, Myths and Mines: What’s New in Manuscripts & Special Collections

It’s a rare week that passes for Manuscripts & Special Collections without something new arriving. The new accessions range from a single book or manuscript, to a van-load of boxes. Some are gifts, others are deposited (i.e. loaned), and a small minority are books or manuscripts we have bought. There is inevitably a delay between …

A Family Reunion

This is a guest post by Library Assistant Nicholas Blake. I never expected to discover that my new place of work was home to an archive collection of my family’s documents dating back hundreds of years.  It was only after I’d been interviewed for my library assistant post here at the University of Nottingham’s Manuscripts …

All the World’s a Stage!

Panto season is upon us, and families across the country will be visiting theatres to enjoy this predominantly British form of entertainment. Those of you who follow us on Twitter @mssUniNott may have seen the programme for a performance of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ staged by University College Nottingham students one hundred years ago today. Lewis …

New Discoveries in the D H Lawrence Family Papers

A fascinating collection of papers which has recently been acquired by Manuscripts and Special Collections provides researchers with new insights into D H Lawrence as a family man.  Much has been written about Lawrence’s close relationship with his mother and his complex relationships with women, but this accrual to our Lawrence holdings demonstrates his strong affection …

New cartoons acquired

We have recently had the opportunity to acquire some cartoons or “political sketches” by “H.B”, the pseudonym used by painter and cartoonist John Doyle (1797-1868).  Doyle was born in Dublin, and attended the Royal Dublin Society’s drawing school, where he was a pupil of the miniature painter John Comerford. He became a successful painter of horses, …

Additions for the D H Lawrence Collection!

The latest addition to the Lawrence Collection online catalogue is a group of papers purchased earlier in the summer with the assistance of the V & A Museum Purchase Grant Fund.  Lawrence’s autograph text of the short piece “Laura Philippine” has a special interest, as it survives with a series of letters that provide more …