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Nottinghamia vetus et nova by Charles Deering, M.D, p.15; 18th century. University of Nottingham, EMSC, Not 3.D14 DEE.

Section from page 15 of ‘Nottinghamia vetus et nova’ by Charles Deering; 18th century, featuring a description of the Willoughby House caves. University of Nottingham, EMSC, Not 3.D14 DEE.

Section from page 15 of ‘Nottinghamia vetus et nova’ by Charles Deering; 18th century, featuring a description of the Willoughby House caves. University of Nottingham, EMSC, Not 3.D14 DEE.

Black and white photograph of Willoughby HousePage of black and white text featuring discussion of caves belonging to William and Thomas Herbert.Black and White photograph of Lion Sculpture