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David Greenaway

David Greenaway


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Posts by David Greenaway

The VC’s Life Cycle 2 Blog: Day 7 – Annan to Kirkby Lonsdale

Normal service has been resumed, four punctures today, one each for Kate, Andy, Chris R and Steve. There were also a number of mechanical failures. It is not only us riders that are taking a bit of a battering on consistently rough roads, some close to being corrugated. The bikes are suffering too and the …

The VC’s Life Cycle 2 Blog: Day 6 – Kilmarnock to Annan

I forgot to mention on yesterday’s blog that Chris R was first in to Dreghorn and won back the yellow jersey. That may seem a minor detail. However Sergeant Major Jagger and Lord Neville de Wylie have been rooming together and it turns out that, rather than getting the rest they need, they have been …

The VC’s Life Cycle 2 Blog: Day 5 – Cairndow to Kilmarnock

Another brute of a day: 88 miles, mostly in headwinds, with an exacting start and even more exacting finish. We stayed at The Stagecoach Inn in Cairndow, only a few miles from the original Loch Fyne Oyster Bar. The other riders and Support Team had dinner there. I stayed at the hotel to write yesterday’s …

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The VC’s Life Cycle 2 Blog: Day 4 – Spean Bridge to Cairndow

The weather forecast for today promised it would be grim. It was grim, and we had 93 miles to do. But, first things first: In yesterday’s blog I forgot to mention it was Simon’s birthday. Because our ‘hosts’ at Spean Bridge Hotel refused to serve us dinner because we were 10 minutes late, we were …

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The VC’s Life Cycle 2 Blog: Day 3 – Inchbae to Spean Bridge

One of the most sensational results in Scottish football is Berwick 1, Rangers 0: the Scottish Cup in 1967. Today Rangers were again at Berwick. This time because the Glasgow giants are in the Third Division, having been demoted from the Scottish Premier League to the bottom tier of Scottish football for financial irregularities. This …

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The VC’s Life Cycle 2 Blog: Day 2 – Inchnadamph to Inchbae

For the second day running we woke to a glorious morning: bright, sunny and still. The only fly in the ointment is that’s ideal conditions for midges, and swarms of them were out for an early breakfast. The jungle spray I bought at Birmingham airport did not do what it said on the tin and …

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The VC’s Life Cycle 2 Blog: Day 1 – Cape Wrath to Inchnadamph

As I predicted, it was two out of three. There was no Sky coverage in Inchnadamph. Still, Forest secured a 2-2 draw away to Bolton which continues a good start to the season. Judged by its name, Cape Wrath sounds forbidding, a place where one dares to go rather than chooses to go. Actually it …

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The VC’s Life Cycle 2 Blog: Day 0 – Nottingham to Durness

Starting an ‘end to end’ from Cape Wrath is a lot less straightforward than starting at John O’Groats. You can’t just drive there. So task number one, get to Durness to stay overnight, before crossing the Kyle of Durness to The Parph and on to Cape Wrath. Over the last week everyone has been involved …

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Life Cycle 2 Training

There are just four weeks left before we set off from Cape Wrath. That’s scary, given the number of weekends available between now and August 24th. Over the last couple of months I have managed to get out on most Sunday mornings, generally with some combination of Karen, Kate and Steve; occasionally joined by Nick, …

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The Way of the Roses

The cycle route which traverses England from Morecambe to Bridlington is known as ‘The Way of the Roses’. It is 170 miles and, bar for a few miles in Cumbria, entirely in Lancashire and Yorkshire. Over the weekend of May 4/5/6, ten of the Life Cycle 2 riders took it on as a training run. …

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