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Summer Reads 2018
July 18, 2018
Summer is in full swing and maybe you are struggling to find a good read… Fret not! Library staff have selected some of their favourites (all available in the UoN Libraries – you can find these and many more using our resource discovery tool NUsearch) for your delectation. Carol Hollier, Teaching & Learning Support Team One …
Summer Reads 2017
August 1, 2017
Is it just me, or is the summer weather taking a while to get started? Time to run away on holiday to a sunnier climate, and what better way to while away an afternoon on a sun lounger than with a good book?! Here’s what UoN Library staff have been delving into recently in our …
Summer Reads 2016
August 8, 2016
There are few things that top sitting in the British sunshine with a cold beverage and a good book. Here’s what UoN Library staff have been reading this summer: Lucy McBurnie, Customer Services After browsing through Amazon Books’ bargain section on my Kindle I came across ‘The Husband’s Secret’ by Liane Moriarty. The main storyline is that …
Over £11,400 raised to support literacy projects!
September 20, 2019
Over the summer, we’ve been removing some final copies of low-use books from our libraries and stores in order to improve access to more relevant texts. We’ve worked with our academic community to make decisions about which titles to discard. In this blog post, we want to tell you a bit more about what happens …
Libraries Week Feature – A visit to Hallward Library from Mencap Me Time, Nottingham group
October 11, 2017
It’s Libraries Week which provides us with the perfect opportunity to tell you about a visit we hosted during the summer for the Nottingham Mencap Me Time group. During the summer, a group from Nottingham Mencap Me Time group enjoyed a visit to Hallward Library, organised by one of our Senior Library Advisers and Mencap Facilitator, Laura …