Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)

January 23, 2025, by Bethan

On trial: Foreign broadcast information service (FBIS) daily reports

We are pleased to bring you trial access to the Foreign broadcast information service (FBIS) daily reports.

Foreign broadcast information service (FBIS) daily reports is an archive of transcripts from foreign broadcasts and news, from 1941-1996. Its original mission was to monitor, record, transcribe, and translate intercepted radio broadcasts from foreign governments, official news services, and clandestine broadcasts from occupied territories.

The archive is split into three collections:

  • FBIS Daily Reports, 1941-1974 covers topics related to WWII and the Axis alliance, the new Islamic countries of the Middle East, colonialism in Africa, the Korean and Vietnam Wars
  • FBIS Daily Reports, 1974-1996 provides reports on topics such as the Persian Gulf War, student takeover of Tiananmen Square, Egypt and Israel peace agreement, demise of the Soviet Union
  • FBIS Daily Report Annexes – Furnishes an additional 7,000 “For Official Use Only” reports

The trial runs until 3rd March 2025

Do let us know what you think. Please send your feedback to the Libraries Collections team:

Posted in CollectionsOnline resourcesTrials