Get a global local education
January 6, 2015
One of the biggest innovations in international higher education in the past 15 years or so has been the growth in international branch campuses. That is not to suggest that branch campuses are new – on the contrary, there is quite a history of universities (mostly private) establishing a presence beyond their home countries. But …
Up Close and Personal!
April 29, 2014
This post is a longer version of an interview with KWBN’s Sean Matthews for the British Council’s ‘Up Close and Personal’ column in the Education Intelligence newsletter. The full interview can be accessed here. EI: What is your favorite conference and why? SM: I realize it’s a bit of a cliché, but I’d say either the last …
Beyond Global Citizenship: Reflections on the U21/KWBN Global Citizenship Workshop
April 2, 2014
‘Global Citizenship’ is a term we come across more and more in relation to university missions or graduate attributes and outcomes, but one which most of us would struggle to define in anything but the broadest terms. If pushed, we would probably describe a Global Citizen as someone with particular qualities of ethical awareness, perhaps …
Tricampus Team Presents to Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2014 in Seoul, Korea.
March 26, 2014
There was another landmark for the University of Nottingham last week with a panel drawn from colleagues based at each of the three main campuses, who collaborated in a presentation at the annual conference, in Seoul, of the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE). The organizers set aside a full session for the group, who …
Overwhelming Questions: Thoughts on the UNMC Research Priorities Workshop, April 30 2013
May 17, 2013
Our UNMC Research Priorities Workshop brought into focus many elements of the sheer range of research taking place on the campus. It gave colleagues the opportunity to explore concepts and themes which unite our work across the disparate disciplines and faculties. Coming to the process from an Arts/Social Sciences background, I found a surprising level …
Shooting Elephants on the International Branch Campus II
February 1, 2013
In the previous post I began the work of facing up to the existence of some elephants on the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. The first group of elephants were the metaphorical ‘elephants in the room’, those sensitive and intractable issues about life on the international campus which we all know but rarely discuss. The …
Shooting Elephants on the International Branch Campus I
November 2, 2012
I have recently become preoccupied by two elephants. The first is the ‘elephant in the room’: the enormous problem which everyone knows about but which no-one wants to discuss because it is too vast even to conceive or articulate, much less resolve. Let sleeping elephants lie. The second elephant is the unfortunate beast in George …
The global financial crisis and the internationalisation of higher education
July 25, 2012
This post was first published in the ‘From the Vice-Chancellor’s desk’ blog on January 20, 2012 I am often asked about the impact of the global financial crisis on the internationalisation of higher education. Given Nottingham’s unique global footprint, that is not a surprise. As the sub-title of Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff’s outstanding book This Time …
Why we need to recapture ‘marketing’ from the ‘marketisation’ of higher education debate
June 14, 2012
Critics of marketing in higher education (HE) argue that a fundamental and inexorable conflict exists between the intrinsic purposes and values of education and what has been described as an increasing shift towards ‘marketisation’ or ‘corporatisation’ i.e. treating HE as a commodity open to market forces with students as its primary customers. Some have asserted …
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