Simon McGrath
View this author's profilePosts by Simon McGrath
Towards a pedagogy of capacity development
December 3, 2012
This third post reflecting on issues of inequalities of global knowledge production owes its existence to a coincidence. Sitting down earlier this week to start collecting my thoughts for a day to be spent with Michael Crossley from Bristol honing a research bid on our planned partnership with the University of the South Pacific, I …
Mapping the uneven landscape of academic knowledge production
November 15, 2012
In my previous KWBN blog reflecting on my recent visit to Fiji, I argued that we should see the global South as sites of theory generation, not just as providing exotic exceptions to “universal” Northern theory. However, I noted that this was far from the norm. Indeed, my starting point for my reflection was the …
Do we want knowledge without borders?
October 30, 2012
Preparing a workshop on writing for journals in Suva, Fiji, and working on a research bid with Pacific Island colleagues, I was struck by the realisation that I could only think of one journal article in the leading international and comparative education journals that had been written by an author from the region, and that …
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