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Boris Kustodiev. Festival of the II Congress of Comintern on the Uritsky Square, Petrograd (1921)

Boris Kustodiev, “Festivities in Honour of the Second Comintern Congress on 19 July 1920. Demonstration on Uritsky Square (now Palace Square)”, 1921. Oil on canvas. 133 х 268 cm. State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg. For high resolution version, see http://rusmuseumvrm.ru/data/collections/painting/19_20/kustodiev_b_prazdnik_v_chest_ii_kongressa_kominterna_19_iyulya_1920_goda_demonstraciya_na_ploschadi_/index.php?lang=en

Oil painting by Boris Kustodiev depicting celebrations in honour of the Second Comintern Congress on 19 July 1920, in Uritsky Square, Petrograd (now Palace Square, Saint Petersburg)