Royal Geographical Society lecture, exhibition and conference
November 20, 2018
For all those who have been following this blog, we are delighted to invite you to three December events at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), London, that we having been hard at work preparing. First, on Monday 10th December 2018, Mike Heffernan will be delivering the Monday night lecture at the RGS, under the title …
CFP: RGS 2019, “A Non-Representational Historical Geography? Archives, Affects and Atmospheres”
A Non-Representational Historical Geography? Archives, Affects and Atmospheres CFP: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society & Imperial College London, 27-30 August 2019 Stephen Legg and Ivan Marković, University of Nottingham Over the last 20 years ‘Non-Representational Theory’ (NRT) has emerged from within, and transformed, human geography. While not all sub-disciplines of human geography have embraced NRT, few …
Reading group: South-South transnationalisms
November 1, 2018
Afro-Asian Networks Research Collective (2018) “Manifesto: Networks of Decolonization in Asia and Africa”, Radical History Review 131:176-182; also published on Medium: Laura Bier (2010) “Feminism, Solidarity, and Identity in the Age of Bandung: Third World Women in the Egyptian Women’s Press”, in Christopher J. Lee (ed), Making a World after Empire: The Bandung Moment …
‘On being at sea: historically experiencing movement across the waves’: a panel at the RGS-IBG Conference, Cardiff, August 2018
October 1, 2018
In this panel at the annual RGS-IBG conference Jake Hodder and myself collated five papers that encouraged us to reflect on non-earth (but still Earth-bound) geographies. It had become apparent during our research into interwar international conferences that transit was an essential part of the conference experience, and conference labour. Although the interwar period was …
CFP: AAG 2019, “Historical Geographies of the Interwar: beyond 1919”
September 26, 2018
Historical Geographies of the Interwar: beyond 1919 CfP: AAG Annual Conference, Washington, 3rd to 7th April 2019 Ben Thorpe, Mike Heffernan and Stephen Legg, University of Nottingham, UK In November 2018 the final centenaries of the First World War will take place. 2019 will witness the centenary of the Paris Peace Conference and of the …
Tuskegee, Alabama
September 1, 2018
To walk into the archives of Tuskegee University is a reminder of the remarkable role which the institution has played in shaping the African American experience. As soon as you enter, the juxtaposition of that experience is visibly apparent; a story of both the spectacular vibrancy of black popular culture, but also the horrors it …
Workshop III: London and the International City, 5th July 2018
August 1, 2018
The final workshop of the AHRC Conferencing the International Project took place on the (very warm) afternoon of 5th July 2018 in Methodist Central Hall in the heart of Westminster. The workshop brought together sixteen academics, civil servants and representatives from charities and political organisations to discuss what makes a city, and specifically the city …
International Conferences and Geographical Education
July 1, 2018
The interwar conferences at the heart of our project all aimed to increase geographical education. The International Studies Conferences of the League of Nations explicitly sought to produce teaching materials that would foster in future generations an interest in distant places, and in global peace. The Pan-African Congresses contributed to the building up of encyclopaedic …
Workshop II: Spaces of Display, 27 March 2018
June 1, 2018
Our second practitioner workshop, ‘Spaces of Display’, met in March at Primary, an artist-led studio and exhibition space situated in a former Victorian primary school in Nottingham. The setting was generative of the overall aim and ambition of the workshop: to explore some of the wider themes of the project in relation to conferences as …
Geographies of Sensory Politics: Re-thinking Atmospheres
May 1, 2018
Geographies of Sensory Politics: Re-thinking Atmospheres Session at the New Orleans Association of American Geographers Conference, April 10th 2018 One of our broader objectives in “Conferencing the International” is to conceive of conferences as multi-sensory spaces and to question the extent to which we can explore sensory geographies of the past and their impact on …
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