Reading Group: Actor-Network Theory and the Agency of the Document
November 24, 2016
Guest post by Martin Mahony Latour, B. (1999). On recalling ANT. The Sociological Review, 47(S1), 15-25. Weisser, F. (2014). Practices, politics, performativities: Documents in the international negotiations on climate change. Political Geography, 40, 46-55. Blok, A. (2010). Topologies of climate change: actor-network theory, relational-scalar analytics, and carbon-market overflows. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, …
Reading Group: Brian Vick’s ‘The Congress of Vienna’
November 1, 2016
Brian E. Vick, The Congress of Vienna: Power and Politics After Napoleon (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2014) The project team met for a regular reading group discussion, this one focused exclusively on a fascinating new book on the Congress of Vienna by Brian Vick, an American historian from Emory College in Atlanta, Georgia. Vick …
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