Author Post Archive

Posts by lzzeb

Map of the month. Pakistan, India and mapping the contested accession of South Asia’s princely states

A blog by Philip Jagessar Earlier this year the government of India controversially revoked article 370 of the constitution which had given the long disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir a degree of autonomy from the rest of India. Pakistan loudly protested this unilateral move by India and rising tensions have revived fears of a …

The 2019 Mount St Helens field course – a staff perspective

A blog by Stephen Dugdale In early September 2019, 15 students from the School of Geography, accompanied by Prof Colin Thorne, Dr Steve Dugdale, Dr Liam Clark and PhD candidate Hazel Wilson, travelled to the US state of Washington to learn about the ongoing impacts of the eruption of Mount St Helens. Now in its …

Attending the IMGS in New Zealand’s South Island

A blog by Alastair Munro, PhD researcher in the School of Geography Earlier this summer, I was fortunate enough to attend the 18th International Medical Geography Symposium (IMGS), 30th June – 5th July, in New Zealand. For me, the trip was one of several firsts; my first long-haul flight eastwards, first-time setting foot in the …

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The Potential of Carbon Storage in the Forest Formation, Trinidad Summer 2019 Fieldwork

A blog by Leah Ragbir Fieldwork in the Caribbean sounds like the ideal situation. The cool breeze, brilliant sunshine and picturesque scenery make it a dream location. My dissertation on the Potential of Carbon Storage in the Forest Formation, Trinidad provided me with such an opportunity to carry out work in the Southern-most island of …

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Science Group mapping a new future for Attenborough Nature Reserve

Suzanne McGowan reports on the first meeting of the Attenborough Science task group Attenborough Nature Reserve is facing some important changes. Located between Beeston and Chilwell, and in the confluence of the Trent and Erewash Rivers, the reserve is an immensely popular site for local recreational and nature activities. The reserve is designated a Site …

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Protecting freshwater mussels in Borneo

A blog by Alexandra Zieritz Can you eat them? This is the most common question I get asked when telling somebody that I work on freshwater mussels. Well yes, you can and many people do, especially in Southeast Asia. But mussels are a lot more than that. These creatures, inhabiting the bottom of rivers, lakes …

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The Origins and History of Lake Linumunsut Fieldwork Blog

A blog by Brittany Pugh, second year Undergraduate student This summer we undertook a palaeolimnology research expedition to Lake Linumunsut in Maliau Basin, Borneo, Malaysia. Our aims; to produce the first ecological assessment of the lake, to assess the impact of long-range atmospheric pollution in the region and to promote international research collaboration. Our expedition …

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The macro problem of a ‘micro’ pollutant

Tom Stanton, PhD researcher in the School of Geography and Faculty of Engineering, outlines his research on microplastics. From the upstream reaches of rivers to the remote Arctic, microplastic pollution persists throughout aquatic environments. All smaller than 5 mm – that’s about the size of the stud on top of a Lego brick – microplastic …

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Lake District Fieldtrip 2019

A blog by Hazel Wilson In mid-April our intrepid first year Geographers and their lecturers were out in the beautiful Lake District learning field techniques for both human and physical geography. This was the Geographical Field Course module which involves a four day residential trip to Blencathra Field Studies Centre, completing small research projects on …

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Global health, water and climate change

A blog by Simon Gosling Earlier this summer I attended the “Cross-sectoral ISIMIP Workshop 2019” in Paris, France. It was organised by the Intersectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP), which is led by the Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. ISIMIP is a research community-driven initiative aimed at using models to understand the …

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