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Posts by lzzeb

The Past Global Changes Open Science Meeting, Zaragoza

A blog by PhD student Savannah Worne “The PAGES (Past Global Changes) project is an international effort to coordinate and promote past global change research. The primary objective is to improve our understanding of past changes in the Earth system in order to improve projections of future climate and environment, and inform strategies for sustainability.” (, …

Chinese finance comes to London

Sarah Hall blogs about her latest research that examines how and why new forms of Chinese finance are becoming increasingly important within London’s financial district. One of the most significant changes currently occurring within the international financial system is the growing internationalisation of money and finance from China. This reflects broader arguments that power in …

Government Social Research Sandwich Scheme

A blog by Anna Scholes At the start of my second year, I came across an email from the School of Geography detailing a placement opportunity with the UK Civil Service as a Social Researcher. Social Research was a profession I hadn’t previously heard of until I saw the email, but it immediately caught my …

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Engaging with the global biogeographic community in the Arizona desert

A blog by Dr Richard Field The International Biogeography Society (usually known by its unfortunate abbreviation ‘IBS’) is the premier society for biogeographers, and its main, biennial meeting is the crescendo of a two-year cycle that has developed since the first meeting of the society in Mesquite, Nevada in January 2003. Helped by funding from …

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Conferences, Cold and Cacti

A blog by Dr Adam Algar The biennial meeting of the International Biogeography Society has become a January tradition that has taken me to the Canary Islands, Crete, Florida, and Germany. The 2017 meeting was originally scheduled for Salvador, Brazil. However, in 2016, it was announced that the meeting was being moved to Tucson, Arizona …

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