Author Post Archive

Posts by Matt

Geog on… is the greatest!

It’s been an exciting few days for our Geog On… podcast project culminating in it topping the iTunesU Science “Great Collections” chart today. Proof and overexcited scribblings can be found on my own blog @

On Climate Uncertainty

Matt Jones, Simon Gosling and George Swann discuss issues of uncertainty connected to climate change past, present and future. On Climate Uncertainty

A day in the Life of a Geographer … Matt Jones

It’s been a fairly unusual week for me in which to write my first Day in the Life… contribution given that it’s the first week of the academic year in which I’ve had no timetabled teaching, which isn’t the norm for a term time week. However I have spent a lot of time dealing with …

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On Islands and Lizards

This week for Geog On… Adam Algar talks about his research on lizards and island biogeography… On Islands and Lizards

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Geog On … The 2012 season

Welcome to the new home of the Geog On … podcasts, and the new 2012 podcast season. We start with a look at the Financial Crisis with Andrew Leyshon and Sarah Hall, the first of a series of podcasts where our research themes discuss one of the big issue of the day. These will be mixed in with podcasts from individual members of staff about …

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A day in the life of a Geographer … an introduction

As of next week this blog will host our new series “A Day in the Life of a Geographer”, each week a different individual, from a group drawn from across the School, will talk about what they have been up to, however exciting this may be! The blog posts will describe why we all find …

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