June 27, 2024, by lzzre

Launch of the EDGE Lab!

Dr Steph Coen

This week, Associate Professor Dr Stephanie Coen launched a new interdisciplinary virtual lab with her colleague Dr Joanne Parsons from the University of Manitoba (Canada). The Environments Designed for Gender Equity in Sport & Physical Activity Lab – or EDGE Lab for short – focuses on the gendered environments of sport and physical activity. As a health geographer (Coen) collaborating with a clinical physical therapist (Parsons), Dr Coen sees the Lab as a platform to advance a truly biosocial approach to geographies of health, sport, and physical activity by bridging social science and clinical perspectives. The blog below introduces EDGE Lab and is cross-posted from the EDGE Lab blog. You can visit the Lab website to learn more about the EDGE vision and goals at edge-lab.org.

Read the blog here! 

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