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‘Look like they may be in a gang’: (Track)Suits, Work and London’s Grime Artists

Last month, a segment entitled ‘Knife and Gun Crime Epidemic’ aired on Good Morning Britain, which centred on the rise of the police’s tactics of stop and search. Piers Morgan waded into the debate, with an inflammatory enquiry asking ‘what is wrong with stopping and searching young black youths who look like they may be …

The Viva

I was recently asked to speak at The School of Sociology and Social Policy at The University of Nottingham on my experience of the viva. When I started planning what I might say, I tried to think about how I conceptualised the viva prior to undertaking it. The first thing that I wrote down, without …

Systemic Violence and the ‘Wanted Unwanted’: Migrant Workers in the Urban Night

Following the press coverage of a take-away owner who was murdered in my home town, a curiosity in seeking to learn more about the lifeworld of the migrant night worker has led to some initial reflections that I feel compelled to share with you as part of my doctoral research project. We all have some …

“I am Korean”: North Korean Defectors Negotiating Identity in London

In recent years, approximately 400-500 North Korean defectors have settled in New Malden, south-west London, living alongside a substantial and established community of over 10,000 South Korean immigrants.[1] A significant number of North Koreans decide to move to New Malden, London, where there is an established South Korean community, as English language barriers prevent them …