The 9th Enquire Conference – A Review
March 19, 2017
The 9th Enquire conference, held on Saturday 25th February 2017, was themed around Social Inequalities and Social Research. Social inequalities manifest in multiple areas of life and can advance or inhibit an individual or group’s social status and power. Much social research is concerned with recognising and observing inequalities in action and, in so doing, …
Feeling hopeful in times of despair: The role of emotion in political engagement
March 6, 2017
2016 was a politically tumultuous and often troubling year. As we begin 2017, we are entering a future with an American President who rose to fame as a reality TV businessman (who, in reality, has failed as a businessman multiple times) who, more worryingly, ran a political campaign stoked by the fires of division and …
Who’s Story To Tell? Thinking On Reflexivity & Positionality
March 2, 2017
“In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Placing a Dictaphone, red light blinking, under a generous person’s nose and asking them to share accounts of their life is an intimidating act, for them as a participant …
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