Life lines and Sewing World: DHC gets a mention in two publications in one week!

Life Lines book launch. On Wednesday 18th November I was pleased to attend the launch event for the Life Lines book at Nottingham Archives. This handsome and fascinating book brings together the individual research and discoveries of Life Lines; a group of Nottinghamshire amateur historians with a special interest in World War One. The book is …

Volunteering in the DHC 2015; a Historian’s perspective by Depeeka Mistry.

History undergraduate Depeeka Mistry provides some initial impressions of the Digital Humanities Centre after a couple of months of volunteering. The Digital Humanities Centre is a hub of advanced technology and a haven for every Humanities student, from the outside it is a just a room, but inside it is a Tardis of new technology! …

‘Lest we forget’: Life Lines’ World War I digitisation workshop in DHC.

Life Lines is a public engagement initiative by the University of Nottingham’s Lakeside Arts Centre and the Manuscripts and Special Collections (MSC) Department. It began in April 2014, and is funded by Innovations in Museum Displays  whose mantra is ‘participation over interaction’. The aim of the Life Lines project is to engage Lakeside visitors by …