The Hennessy Digitisation Project by Emily Parker
June 13, 2019
This week DTH Student Volunteer and History undergraduate Emily Parker tells us about her experiences working on our Hennessy Digitisation project. This project will be running again 2019 – 20, along with several new projects. If you are a Faculty of Arts student at the University of Nottingham and would like to find out more …
DAHSS 2018 Part 2, Report: Digital Arts and Humanities Summer School 2018 by Odila Schroeder
September 6, 2018
The DAHSS 2018 convened in Nottingham the last week of June 2018 – it brought together PhD students from the East Midlands, and the South, West and Wales DTP for a fun-filled week of immersion into the Digital Arts and Humanities. For all those who were not able to attend, I have compiled some notes …
DAHSS 2018 – Part 1; Researchers in a Digital Age, Coming September 14th by Odila Schroeder
August 31, 2018
Following the hugely successful Digital Arts and Humanities Summer School earlier this year, a group of students will reconvene in Bristol on September 14th 2018 for a full day of thrilling news and fascinating discussions about all things digital. See details at the end of this blog for how you can join us – if …
Introducing DHC Leonardo Fellow Aja Ireland.
July 20, 2018
DHC’s Leonardo Fellow Aja Ireland introduces herself, her team and the virtual reality project that they have been working on since earlier this year and hope to build upon over the coming months. I am an interdisciplinary artist who creates immersive audience interactions and participatory experiences with diverse audiences, and am very excited to take …
Handy Heritage Pack Facilitates Fieldwork by Kimberley Weir
June 29, 2018
History PhD candidate Kimberley Weir borrowed one of our Heritage Digital Activity Packs to take along on a field trip to the Philippines in May, we asked her to let us know how useful she found it, she went one further and wrote us a blog! The Heritage Digital Activity Pack (available from the Digital …
The Scaling the Sublime Artcode project by DHC volunteer Chloe Austin.
April 20, 2018
This year volunteers from the Digital Humanities Centre (DHC) teamed up with Crop Up Gallery to create the online content for Lakeside Arts current exhibition: Scaling the Sublime: Art at the Limits of Landscape. Volunteer Chloe Austin reflects on the project below. A few weeks ago, I attended the private view of Scaling the Sublime: …
The Scaling the Sublime Artcodes project
March 23, 2018
One of this year’s most exciting DHC projects has been to produce digital content for the ‘Scaling the Sublime: Art at the Limits of Landscape’ exhibition which opens this week at Lakeside Arts’ Djanogly Gallery. The exhibition, co-curated by History of Art’s Nicholas Alfrey and artist Rebecca Partridge, features the works of seven contemporary artists, …
James E Smith’s Model, by Nicholas Alfrey
May 31, 2017
University of Nottingham, History of Art lecturer Nicholas Alfrey revisits James E Smith’s Model as it is exhibited as part of Nottingham Castle’s Reportrait exhibition. A striking work made by the artist James E Smith during his time as Leonardo Fellow in the Digital Humanities Centre has just gone on show again in Nottingham. James …
Student volunteer news: trip to the Manuscripts and Special Collections department
May 8, 2017
The student volunteers in the Collections Team this year here at the Digital Humanities Centre have been diligently working on ‘weeding’, re-organising and digitising parts of the Humanities slide collection that is housed in the DHC. With thousands of slides to get through, this has been an exciting but immense project for the team. For …
ISYP Digitisation project news.
March 3, 2017
The digitisation of work produced by students of the Classics department’s Independent Second Year Projects module (ISYP) has moved into a new phase with this year’s volunteer team. Whilst the photographing and scanning of project work continues, Jack Strawbridge and Jamie Shakespeare have continued previous DHC volunteer Rhiannon Compton’s project to set up a searchable …
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