Research and policy making: Professor Ian Boyd

The below video features a keynote speech from Professor Ian Boyd FSB FRSE, Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Professor in Biology at the University of St Andrews. Professor Boyd discussed the intractability (or ‘wickedness’) of many problems the government faces, best practice in science advice, the …

Panel 2: Researchers facing the media (David Colquhoun, Athene Donald, Felicity Mellor, Jon Turney)

The below videos features contributions from Professor David Colquhoun (FRS, Honorary Fellow, University College London), Professor Dame Athene Margaret Donald (DBE, FRS, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge), Dr Felicity Mellor (Senior Lecturer in Science Communication Studies, Imperial College London) and Dr Jon Turney, science writer and author. The session covered revolutions in academic publishing (such …

Research and the media: Dr Andy Williams

The below video features a keynote speech from Dr Andy Williams, Lecturer at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies and former RCUK Research Fellow in Risk, Health and Science Communication (2008-10). Dr Williams addressed recent research into UK journalists and their sources and what it tells us about the quality and independence of …

Panel 1: The science-policy interface (Daniele Fanelli, Sheila Jasanoff, Beth Taylor and Chris Tyler)

The below video features contributions from Daniele Fanelli (Visiting Professor, School of Library and Information Services, University of Montreal), Sheila Jasanoff (Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Harvard Kennedy School), Dr Beth Taylor (Chair of the UK National Committee for the International Year of Light 2015 and former Director of Communications at the Institute of Physics) …