April 8, 2019, by Julia Molinari

Teaching and Learning: an Introduction to CELE Scholarship

when it invites peer collaboration and review, then that teaching might rightly be called scholarly, or reflective, or informed (Hutchings and Shulman 1999, p. 13)


CELE’s Dr Irina Veleanu Hawker teaching and learning from her postgraduate students

We believe that good teaching matters. We also know that it is difficult, serious, highly enjoyable intellectual and practical work. As such, it requires thought.

In this and the posts to follow, CELE will be sharing news, views and reflections on the teaching and learning of EAP. In so doing, we will be creating and shaping our understandings of EAP scholarship and hopefully eliciting responses from the wider EAP community as we go along. We believe this is essential to remaining a vibrant, informed, reflective and diverse community of teachers and learners.

To give a flavour of what scholarship means to us, we have collated a few thoughts from our staff surveys and literatures on scholarship. We hope this list will evolve to allow new understandings to emerge.

CELE’s Lisa Robinson, SFHEA, engaging with EAP students

Scholarship is about:

  • informing and developing teaching practice
  • advancing knowledge, linking to theory, engaging and sharing
  • mixing personal interests and centre priorities
  • a community service, a pedagogy, an engagement with the novel
  • keeping up with advancements in the field and remaining professionally engaged
  • the improvement of teaching practices
  • collaboration
  • values and beliefs

In other words, it’s ‘not all about discovering something new …’ (Braxton et al. 2002).

Please feel free to share, respond, comment and get in touch. We would love to hear your views on the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Further readings on scholarship

Boyer, Ernest L. Scholarship reconsidered: priorities of the professoriate updated and expanded by Drew Moser, Todd C. Ream, John M. Braxton, and associates.  Expanded ed. San Francisco, California : Jossey-Bass, 2016. (previous version also available here: http://www.hadinur.com/paper/BoyerScholarshipReconsidered.pdf)

Braxton, J., Luckey, W., & Helland, P. (2002). Institutionalizing a Broader View of Scholarship through Boyer’s Four Domains. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report. Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. (available here: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED468779.pdf)

Hutchings, P., & Shulman, L. (1999). The Scholarship of Teaching: New Elaborations, New Developments. Change, 31(5), 10-15. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/40165542

Blogs on scholarship:




Posted in Teaching and Learning