‘Getting away from it all’: social responsibility in tourism
September 11, 2012
Amongst a series of thoughtful comments on my last blog (thank you!), it was noted that in spite of some negative impacts on the environment, tourism was a powerful force in addressing social issues such as poverty and unemployment. In this blog, I put forward the main social benefits of tourism and reflect upon the …
‘Getting away from it all’: further reflections on responsible tourism
June 12, 2012
….In the last holiday blog I mentioned that tourism, even ostensibly responsible forms of ‘spending time away’, embodies certain tensions and contradictions. One question posed was: 1. To what extent can tourism be responsible for the environment when most holidays involve flights to foreign destinations, and require comparatively high usage of resources? This excerpt fleshes …
‘Getting away from it all’: reflections on responsible tourism
April 19, 2012
Its that time of the year again! The overindulgence of Christmas is but a distant memory. New Years’ dieting resolutions have become derailed by an ‘unholy’ binge on Easter Eggs and golden chocolate bunnies (you know which ones I mean, greedy!). Outside the blossom is bursting, the temperatures are up (more or less) and the …